
Central Methodist University provides the following links to help students and parents make informed decisions about attending CMU in Fayette or at our numerous regional sites.

  1. 一般机构资料
    1. CMU Factbook, 2022-23
    2. CMU概况,2021-22
    3. Privacy of Student Records: As required by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act issued by the Federal Trade Commission, Central Methodist University has safeguards in place designed to: ensure the security and confidentiality of student information, protect against unauthorized access to or use of such information that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any student.
    4. FERPA
    5. 残疾学生设施及服务
    6. 学生的多样性
    7. 净价格计算器(估计联邦学生资助)
    8. 退款政策和提款要求
      1. 菲也特目录
      2. 全州/在线目录
      3. 研究生目录
    9. 联邦财政援助的回归
    10. 教材信息
    11. 版权政策
    12. 教学设施
    13. Faculty
      1. 教师与学生的比例- 1:13
      2. 全体教员名单
    14. 信用政策转让
      1. Missouri Department of Higher Education Transfer Information
    15. 发音和转移指南
    16. Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution Programs
      1. 音乐课程认证
      2. 标题2报告-教师准备
      3. 职业治疗助理
      4. 物理治疗助理
      5. 注册运动教练
      6. 护理程序
    17. 宪法日CMU每年庆祝宪法日. 这一天是为了纪念美国宪法的形成和签署.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, "recognizing all who, are born in the U.S. 或者通过入籍,成为公民." Educational institutions receiving Federal funds are required by law to hold an educational program on the United States Constitution for 宪法日.
    18. 技术可接受使用政策
    19. Study Abroad: General Policy, 财政援助政策
  2. 学生资助 (CMU财政援助:660-248-6245; finaid@platinart.com)
    1. Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information
    2. 联系信息 and Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information.
    3. Assistance Available from Federal, State, Local, and Institutional Programs
      1. Institutional
      2. Grants
      3. Loans
      4. Work Study
    4. 学生贷款资料
      1. 首次贷款咨询 学生借款人
      2. Exit counseling 学生借款人
      3. Institutional 行为准则 教育贷款
      4. 历史贷款人名单
      5. 优先贷款人安排:不适用
      6. 机构违约率
        1. 2018年官方3年期队列违约率为5%.5%
        2. 2019年官方3年期队列违约率为0.9%
        3. 2020年官方3年期队列违约率为0.0%
      7. 全国队列违约率:7%.8%
        i. CLAS学生贷款比例:67%
        ii. CGES本科生贷款比例:52%
        iii. 研究生贷款比例:44%

    5. FAFSA验证
    6. 学业进步标准
  3. 健康与安全
    1. Statement of Nondiscrimination: Central Methodist University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of any status or condition protected by applicable federal or state law, including race, religion, gender, nationality, ethnicity, age, 性取向, marital status, 退伍军人身份或残疾, 在教育政策的执行上, admission, 金融援助, employment, 教育项目或活动. The following office has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Office of Human Resources
      Central Methodist University, 411 CMU Square, Fayette, MO 65248, 660-248-6680
    2. Drug and Alcohol Abuse: CMU fully supports all state and federal laws and local ordinances regulating the sale and possession of alcoholic beverages. The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages by students or their guests and the use, possession, or distribution of narcotics or other dangerous and illegal drugs on CMU property is strictly prohibited. It is the responsibility of the officers and members of each student organization to see that those in attendance at their social functions and meetings conduct themselves in accordance with CMU regulations. Use of alcohol and other drugs has been shown to be a health risk. The campus counselor is trained and available to help students with these issues.
      Violation of this policy may result in discharge or other discipline in accordance with University policies and procedures.
      1. 工作场所无毒品政策
      2. 学生手册
      3. 员工手册
    3. 疫苗接种政策
    4. 最大博彩平台
      1. 背景调查
      2. 消防安全政策
      3. 火灾统计和火灾日志
      4. 所有校园的报表信息
    5. Emergency Response Plan: Central Methodist University's Emergency Operations Plan includes information about the Emergency Response Team; Situations and Assumptions; Concept of Operations; Phases of Emergency Planning; Types of Crisis, Emergency Notification Plan; Organization and Assignment Responsibilities, Administration and Logistics; Building Evacuation Procedures, 计划检讨及维修. University Departments assisted by University Safety are responsible for developing contingency plans and continuity of operations plans for their staff and areas of responsibility.
      The University conducts numerous emergency response exercises each year, 比如桌面练习, fire drills, field exercises, and tests of the mass emergency notification systems at all primary campuses. These tests are designed to assess and evaluate the emergency plans and capabilities of the institution.
      When a serious incident occurs that causes an immediate threat to the campuses, the first responders to the scene are normally Campus Safety, 当地执法部门, 消防和紧急医疗服务. Typically, these agencies respond and work together to manage the incident. 取决于事件的性质, other Central Methodist Departments and other state or federal agencies could also be involved in responding to the incident.
      General information about the emergency response and evacuation procedures for all Central Methodist University locations are publicized each year as part of the institution's Clery Act compliance efforts. This information is contained in the Central Methodist University Annual Security Report: Safety Reports & Training
  4. 学生的结果
    1. Retention Rates
      1. 文理学院 & Sciences: 65.过去三年平均为9%; 58.3% (2020-21); 67.3% (2021-22); 64.7% (2022-23).
      2. 研究生院 & Extended Studies: Most students in CMU-CGES are transfer students, there is a very small number of first-time full-time freshmen each fall, 一般不到1%的新生. The Fall of 2015 was the first time CMU-CGES had students begin as first-time students, since that time there have been 1 to 3 first-time students each fall. 目前是42.过去三年平均2%:33.3% (2020-21); 33.3% (2021-22); 60% (2022-23). These cohorts are too small to break down by gender, race, and aid..
    2. 毕业率
      1. 文理学院的毕业率
        1. 40.9% < 4 years (2019 Cohort), 50.0% <5 years (2018 Cohort), 54.5% <6 years (2017 Cohort).
        2. 助学金毕业率
        3. 按种族划分的毕业率
        4. 按性别划分的毕业率
      2. 研究生院 and Extended Studies: 研究生院 & Extended Studies: Most students in CMU-CGES are transfer students, there is a very small number of first-time full-time freshmen each fall, 一般不到1%的新生. The Fall of 2015 was the first time CMU-CGES had students begin as first-time students, since that time there have been 1 to 3 first-time students each fall. CMU-CGES currently has a 0% graduation rate for full-time first-time freshmen. These cohorts are too small to break down by gender, race, and aid.
  5. Athletics
    1. 体育公平2018 -调查
    2. 体育公平2019 -调查
    3. 体育公平2020 -调查
    4. 体育公平2021 -调查
    5. 体育公平2022 -调查
    6. 体育公平2023 -调查
    7. 体育公平2018 -机构信息
    8. 体育公平报告2023 -摘要
    9. 公平在体育报告2022 -总结
    10. 体育公平报告2021 -摘要
    11. 公平在田径报告2020 -总结
    12. 体育公平报告2018 -总结
    13. 体育公平报告2018 -数据
    14. 体育公平 2017
    15. 学生运动员毕业报告
      1. 2023 Report
      2. 2022 Report
      3. 2021 Report
      4. 2020 Report
      5. 2019 Report
      6. 2018 Report
  6. 选民登记
  7. IPEDS,学生成绩和评估数据
    1. 2021年CLAS反馈报告, 2021年CGES反馈报告
    2. 2021-22 CMU Undergraduate 学生的结果 Assessment Report
    3. 2021-22学年CMU研究生成果评估报告
      1. 临床咨询信息- MSCC纪事
    4. 护理项目评估
      1. BSN-G SPEP和行动计划
      2. BSN-C SPEP和行动计划
      3. SPEP和行动计划
      4. MSN SPEP和行动计划
      5. NCLEX通过率
    5. 运动训练委员会认证结果
    6. 职业治疗结果
    7. 物理治疗结果
    8. 第一目的港调查
    9. 就业数据:2021届毕业生,90人.4% of graduates either were employed, in graduate school or the military.